To spend time with my daughter learning a new sport with her, it is a bonding experience for us To help all the girls realize that they are capable of things beyond what they imagine at the beginning of the season.

To help them see the value of team work. The best seasons are the ones where a group of individuals start playing together and by the end become a team dependent on each other.

For me, it helps me maintain a work/life balance, it is a reminder of the fact that there are things more important in life than work.

Volunteer Coach Vivek – Team Red Rockets

I also coach elementary girls running and I love working with the girls especially because it gives me extra time with my own daughter. They are enthusiastic, encouraging of each other, and have a wonderful attitude. It’s a joy to be involved work with them in practice and competition.

Scott  – Team Sister Squad Spring 2019

Why I (Assistant) Coach

  1. 10. We both love to laugh and make new friends
  2. 9. Nobody here knows how I played sports in high school
  3. 8. I needed the 2-3 hours a week of exercise anyway
  4. 7. Sports cost enough, it’s like a 2-for-1 exercise program and it’s fun
  5. 6. Kids are way, way more fun and interesting than staring at cell phones/magazines
  6. 5. It is IMPOSSIBLE to show your child love, pride, and respect by NOT being truly involved
  7. 4. My child still wants me to be around!
  8. 3. Parent-volunteer organizations shut down without… Parent Volunteers
  9. 2. There are only 940 Saturdays from age 0 until 18

And the number one reason why I assistant coach…


I love my kiddos!!!!!

Life is too short to miss even one day of loving your kiddos

“The days are long but the years are so, so very short!”

C. Carr – Team Pineapple Spring 2019

I coach to spend time with my daughters. To teach them the values of team sports and to encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle.

E. Jones

I coach because our lives are way too short to not maximize my time not only sharing great memories with my daughter but helping build the confidence in children to feel they can achieve anything in life.

Andrew – Team Supercharged Pandas Spring 2019